Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Endless Love.

My beautiful little gifts from the heavens.

Today I was exhausted, as I mentioned - Because of my pathetic dream! I guess it was a mental exhaustion, because physically I didn't feel bad - I looked terrible physically though - Big black bags under my eyes..

I got home this afternoon, Brody went out side and played for awhile with his sand and water table. I vaccummed and got the kievs in the oven baking - I could watch Brody through the window in the kitchen (It's half the size of the kitchen wall!) He came inside and jumped around while I fed his sister a jar of pears.. I ran a bath - He pee'd in the bath.. So I ran another bath, I got him in his sister in it, bathed them and got them out, Brody dried himself and dressed himself, which I was rather impressed with, even if he is wearing undies and a jumper! I took Kaylee in her room and dressed her.. I cut all the vegies and started cooking the side pasta. Brody was being the biggest pest! I could not believe how naughty he was this afternoon! Kaylee was pottering around crying, cos she wanted a bottle and was tired. I give her her bottle, then put her in bed. We have our dinner, Brody won't eat it because he wants his own knife to cut it up.. He doesn't eat any, then he goes into the bathroom and "washes" his hands.. Which results in him flooding the bathroom (Daily occurance).. I smile and wipe the floor down and get him down. He wants to brush his teeth, but he can't because he decided to sit on the lounge and brush his doodle with his toothbrush yesterday, so I threw his toothbrush in the bin!! Eventually I had enough of the whining and got a toothbrush out of the pack I brought for pre wedding teeth brushing! So he uses it, then he wants another.. I say no, so a tantrum ensues, of course! Then Kaylee is awake and jumping in her cot, I go in and I can smell that she's got a surprise for me.. I get her out and undressed she's done a number THREE, I call Clinton, to take the jumpsuit that she'd poo'd on out to the wash, cos I'd just started a load of washing - I get the usual "ughhhh what...?" When I call him, as if I'm disrupting something really important - not just an episode of That 70's Show, that he's seen about 500 times! Cos I have seen it 500 times, much to my dismay! So I get Kaylee all clean and put her back into her cot, she falls off to sleep. Clint goes to bed then and Brody and I go in to say good night. Clinton accuses me of being in a bad mood all afternoon. I don't remember being in a bad mood, just being busy, because I was trying to fit a full days worth of house work into 3 hours. If I don't do it, it's not getting done.. To be fair, he does A LOT. But in those 3 hours, between getting home from work at 5:15 and 8pm.. You're more likely to get blood from a stone! So I nod and smile and say, yeah sure my love.. Then I come out and have a fight with Brody for an hour, about his "doughnut", which is really just a round finger bun from work, that I threw away, cos he'd eaten all the fondant off it anyway, so honestly - he wouldn't want it anymore.. Then we sit and eat about 3 iceblocks each. Which was amazing. He is now asleep. I also cleaned, reorganised and vaccummed Kaylees room amongst all of this.

Reading back. It doesn't sound like I did much, it felt like I did though.

But that picture above and the feeling I get when Clinton holds me and tells me he loves me. I would do this afternoon 1 million times. I love them endlessly.

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