Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Weight Loss.

Messing around in a size small "Little Party Dress" from Supre. I try them on every few weeks, to see how I'm progressing. This one does up without any trouble now. Don't know if I would subject other people to seeing me out in this though! lol =)

Me on Sunday. 54.5kg. 69cm waist.

Clint says that I really need to start focusing on the "exercise" side of weight loss and healthy living now. I HATE exercise. I seriously have a 0% motivation level for exercising!! I have a skipping rope at home, maybe I could start small, go walking and do some skipping out the back while Brody plays with his sand and water table.

I am also on the search for some ankle & wrist weights, I figure I do enough generally in the day that if I added the extra weights on my wrists/ankles it could prove effective for my toning? I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Your doing so well! Proud of you I wish I had the motivation like you!

